Nov 13, 2021

Rebecca’s Class: A place of Grace

Location: A place of Grace

Date(s): Nov 13, 2021

Tuition: $50.00

Product Description

Saturday: 9:00am-10:15am

Greetings Students!

Readings from Christel in our weekly classes are a powerful tool that changes lives, stirs up emotions and creates new options for living your life. Well, we can sense when you are a bit stirred if not shaken by your Reading. Enter Rebecca’s class. 

Join her for a safe and open class to discuss how you are applying your Readings to your every day life, where you might need extra guidance and support and how you can own those enriching “A-Ha’s” that come during and after our classes.

Rebecca  well versed in group therapy and knows her stuff. She can help you integrate all you learned from Christel’s Readings and validate your needs and feelings during this next chapter of your life.

If this class calls to you, know your privacy will be respected and you are safe to talk about anything.

You will receive an email link 15′ before class.



