Live Broadcasts
Showing 81–88 of 244 results
Jul 30, 2022
Saturday 10-11:15am ET
Chakras and your body responsesLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Your ego rules the choices made from your first three chakras, diminishing authenticity and steering you away from your energetic blueprint. Listening to your chakras helps to understand the mind body connection for preventive medicine and healing.
Aug 3, 2022
Wednesday 10-11:15am ET
Rebecca’s Class: A place of Grace August 3Location: A place of Grace
Rebecca well versed in group therapy and knows her stuff. She can help you integrate all you learned from Christel’s Readings and validate your needs and feelings during this next chapter of your life.
Jul 9, 2022
Saturday 10-11:15am ET
the ego and your first three chakrasLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Your ego rules the choices made from your first three chakras, diminishing authenticity and steering you away from your energetic blueprint. Listening to your chakras helps to understand the mind body connection for preventive medicine and healing.
Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday 10-11:15am ET
Rebecca’s Class: A place of Grace July 20Location: A place of Grace
Rebecca well versed in group therapy and knows her stuff. She can help you integrate all you learned from Christel’s Readings and validate your needs and feelings during this next chapter of your life.
Jul 23, 2022
Saturday 10-11:15am ET
listening to your physical chakras mutes authenticityLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Your first three chakras, the “physical chakras” are ruled by your ego, flavoring your decisions and choices with fear, and concern for your reputation. Listening to your chakras helps to understand the mind body connection for preventive medicine and healing.
Jun 25, 2022
Saturday 10-11:15am ET
3rd chakra back talkLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Listening to your chakras helps to understand the mind body connection for preventive medicine and healing.
Jul 6, 2022
Wednesday 10-11:15am ET
Rebecca’s Class: A place of Grace July 6Location: A place of Grace
Rebecca well versed in group therapy and knows her stuff. She can help you integrate all you learned from Christel’s Readings and validate your needs and feelings during this next chapter of your life.