Showing 129–136 of 275 results
Jun 19, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
spiritual helpers can help you copeLocation: Celestial Meeting
Celestial meetings can change your life in an instant.
May 15, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Meeting with your angelsLocation: Celestial Meeting
Celestial meetings can change your life in an instant.
May 22, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Power of synchronicityLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Tapping in to the flow and recognizing synchronicity
May 29, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Overcoming limiting fearsLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Identify and overcome limiting fears that leave you outside your true power.
May 8, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Celebrating our ancient “inner mothers”Location: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Can you find the nurturing, protective side of yourself that you share with others and hopefully, yourself?
May 1, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Releasing hidden traumasLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
Trauma can be minor or major, and often hidden, resulting in a frequent and almost daily triggering on an unconscious level.
Apr 24, 2021
Saturday 9-10:15am MT
Reset the anxious nervous systemLocation: Live Readings and Healing Circle
New research is showing how simple breathing changes have huge impact on resetting a nervous system that has been in fight/flight/freeze for way too long. Learn quick techniques that will reset your chakra system to safety and easy.